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Global Trust Foundation

"The synctech for driving innovation"

Global Trust Foundation is the leading independent and neutral foundation working with governments, corporates, trade associations, SME bodies and others with a specific global perspective by providing project execution and consulting, research and program enhancement.

Our Services

Consulting Services

The Global Trust Foundation has a pool of experts to call upon to provide you with solutions to your needs. We can contribute to local, regional, or global projects and initiatives providing technical, innovation, communications and commercial expertise across the Digital Society and beyond - independently and transparently

eIDAS 2.0 Consulting

To ensure that your organization not only meets regulatory requirements but also maximizes the benefits of the new EUDI framework.

Post Quantum Computing

The advent of quantum computing, which uses quantum effects to carry out certain types of calculation much faster than ‘traditional’ systems are able to, constitutes a major threat to public key cryptography

Digital Identity Wallets

Whether you are an individual or a small business, you can benefit from the convenience, security, and efficiency of eWallets.

Artificial Intelligence 

Its not only a theoretical or academic discipline, but also a practical and applied one. It requires the collaboration and participation of various stakeholders which we can succesfully sync.


One-to one or group training on a variety of digital topics, such as Digital Wallets, eIDAS2.0, Trust, eID, Security and Digital Law.


Our project needed an experienced partner with both technical and communications skills to provide a strong holistic input.  

The team provided a very effective method of monitoring the sensitive ethics issues, as well as providing strong communication. Over the three years, they additionally contributed in the project by providing training to stakeholders, technical background and guidance, as well as assistance towards our standards liaisons with ISO. Their critical contribution helped to make the project a success.
I look forward to working with the team again.

Agusti SOLANAS, Ph.D.

Prof. at Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Scientific Coordinator at APWG.EU

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